Tuesday, April 02, 2013

Calvin on the Value of the Daily Tasks of Motherhood

The Reformers often stress the value of daily faithfulness in the seemingly insignificant things. This was one of the key truths recovered in the Reformation, that God is honored and pleased with obedience in everyday living, not just in what was considered "spiritual."

In Calvin's sermon on 1 Timothy 2:13-15 he makes this point in speaking to wives (and husbands). His comments are important for us to remember today, as well- plus, the reference to killing fleas is a bit humorous today!

although it seems to be a vile thing, a matter of no account, for a woman to take pains about housewifery, to make clean her children when they are arrayed, to kill fleas and other such like, although this is a despised thing, yes and such that many do not even want to look upon it, yet they are sacrifices which God accepts and receives, as if they were things of great price and honorable ... If we take pains, we serve God and not men. 

... and let them consider that when they do their duty and execute their office, God accepts well of it, although men despise it.
 there are a number of fools that when they speak of women’s distaffs, of seeing to their children, will make a scorn of it and despise it.  But what then?  What says the heavenly Judge?  That he is well pleased with it, and accepts it and puts it in his reckoning.  So then let women learn to rejoice when they do their duty, and though the world despise it, let this comfort sweeten all respect they might have that way, and say, “God sees me here and his angels who are sufficient witnesses of my doings, although the world does not approve of them.” 

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At 4:59 AM, Blogger Heather said...

Thanks for those encouraging quotes from Calvin. Excellent reminder.

At 1:55 PM, Blogger Ray Van Neste said...

You're certainly welcome, Heather. I'm glad to know it is helpful to people.


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