Monday, June 08, 2009

The Twelve Ordinary Men

The Twelve Ordinary Men 6pk (Arch Books), by Kelly Skipworth
(Arch Books, Concordia Publishing House, 2009), pb., 16 pp.
Ages 4-9

The Arch Books Bible Story Series has been around for more than four decades. I enjoyed some as a child and we still have some older ones. They are typically faithful to the text, tell the story in simple language, and are written in poetic form. This book is one of the latest installments in this series.

This book aims to introduce children to each of the twelve disciples and succeeds. With some disciples there is not much information and the author acknowledges that without stretching to make something up. There are a few quibbles. Thomas’s doubting is the only thing highlighted though he makes some other very positive statements elsewhere in John’s gospel. Then, it si said that Simon the zealot put away his sword to follow Jesus when in fact Jesus told his disciples at one point, “whoever has no sword is to sell his coat and buy one” (Luke 22:36). And certainly Peter still had a sword at the Garden of Gethsemanee.

However, overall these are small quibbles. The book is not intended to give a deep treatment but to provide a brief, catchy overview of these 12 men. In this, the book succeeds well.

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