Friday, May 18, 2007

M'Kethe Saga Continues in America

Guns of Thunder, Douglas Bond
Faith & Freedom Series
(P&R Publishing, 2007), pb., 260 pp.
Age 10 & up

This is the first volume in Bond’s new series which continues to follow the M’Kethe family, who were introduced in the Crown & Covenant Series. The previous series closed with Duncan and Angus leading their family to America. This story opens with the family settled in Connecticut just before the French & Indian War. Malcom, Duncan’s son, is now a grandfather, helping to raise his grandson, Ian, who is the main character. Ian’s father has died, so Father Malcolm, as he is called, lives with his family. Ian’s cousin and best friend, Roland, is also a key character.

The story follows the family through the rising tensions with the French into the War itself. Also, they must deal with the rise of rationalism and its skepticism about the Bible. Along the way they even have an opportunity to hear Jonathan Edwards preach. Ian wrestles with his doubts and fears, and must face his prejudice and fear towards Indians, particularly Watookoog, a mysterious acting Indian who knew his father.

This story is not quite as compelling as the previous three. It starts a bit slower and the early discussion of Rationalism and Calvinism was slower going for my boys (ages 10, 9, 7 & 5). However, it did provide a good opportunity for me to discuss with them how people began to doubt the supernatural. The chapter relating the family’s listening to Edwards preach “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God” was particularly good. I really appreciated the opportunity to read that to my boys. That chapter alone makes this book worth reading (though there is much else good about the book). Eventually Ian is drawn into battle and the adventure level increases.

Bond once again presents a strong father figure (grandfather this time), leading his family and applying the Bible naturally to all of life. This one key reason for reading these books.

We eagerly await the next volume, and commend this one.

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