Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Swallowing the Golden Stone

Swallowing the Golden Stone: Stories and Essays, Walter Wangerin, Jr.
(Augsburg Fortress, 2001), hb. 183 pp.

I have only dabbled in this book so far, but I bought it because CBD has it on sale for 50 cents- for a hardback! At this price it’s worth picking up even if it only has a few good items, especially if you are already placing another order. It contains stories for kids as well as essays on writing. I wanted to go ahead and mention this, even though I can’t give an opinion yet, so you can take advantage of the deal. If you have read this book I’d be interested to hear from you.



At 3:48 PM, Blogger Gretchen said...

You have an amazing blog here! I was formerly a children's bookstore manager, and now that my husband is in seminary, I work for Lifeway (where I see quite a few of those books you have listed). WOW! It's great to meet someone with such a passion for children's literature and the Bible!

Gretchen Neisler, Louisville, KY

At 9:06 PM, Blogger Ray Van Neste said...

Thanks Gretchen! I hope this will be helpful to others.


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