Friday, June 09, 2006

Lamplighter Catalog

I first saw Lamplighter books in a Vision Forum catalog a few years ago, and they really caught my attention. I have been pleased to locate Lamplighter’s complete catalog. They republish some books which I found in old copies in bookshops in Scotland but had not yet been able to find reprinted. Their motto alone was enough to catch me: “Building character … One Story at a Time.” EXACTLY! That is what I am attempting and I think that reading good stories is an excellent way of building character.

Their books are not cheap, but they are all nicely bound and printed, maintaining a classic look of age. I have not yet read one of their reprints (I have one in the queue!), but they do have a reprint of The Gold Thread which is one of our all time favorites (read my earlier post on this book here).

The catalog itself is nicely organized with listings by age and gender as well as other topics (rare collector’s series, etc.). If you are looking for books for your children this is certainly one catalog to have ready.
